607, 2019

Coops 4 Decent Work – International Day of Co-operatives 2019 – MCF’s contributions

By |July 6, 2019|Categories: In the press, News, Videos|Comments Off on Coops 4 Decent Work – International Day of Co-operatives 2019 – MCF’s contributions

#Coops4DecentWork - Today the Malta Co-operative Federation is celebrating the International Day of Co-operatives with one billion people around the world and with the International Co-operative Alliance. Click on the link below and find us on the map & find out what other co-operators are doing! The Malta Co-operative Federation launches a new video specifically for the International Day of Co-operatives 2019 - Coops4Decent Work   John Mallia, President of the Malta Co-operative Federation makes his point on the 2019 Coops Day in the Press      

2402, 2015

MCF President interviewed on Malta Employers Association Programme

By |February 24, 2015|Categories: MCF opinion, News, Videos|Comments Off on MCF President interviewed on Malta Employers Association Programme

The 19th episode of the programme Malta Employers Association (MEA) broadcast on Malta's national TV Station TVM, focused on the co-operative business model. The Malta Co-operative Federation President Mr John Mallia was interviewed during this programme. Watch all programme below. Programme is broadcast in Maltese.

1702, 2013

It is our time to shine

By |February 17, 2013|Categories: Videos|Comments Off on It is our time to shine

'It's our time to shine' is a video developed by Webgirl Consulting to promote the International Year of Co-operatives in Australia.  

1211, 2012

A blueprint for a co-operative decade

By |November 12, 2012|Categories: Videos|Comments Off on A blueprint for a co-operative decade

ICA Director General Charles Gould speaks about the 'Blue Print for a Co-operative Decade'. This document was considered in draft by the General Assembly of the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) in Manchester in October 2012. Following comment and discussion the Blueprint was approved by the General Assembly and was issued in its final form.

3010, 2012

Together – How cooperatives show resilience to the crisis

By |October 30, 2012|Categories: Videos|Comments Off on Together – How cooperatives show resilience to the crisis

The documentary TOGETHER - How cooperatives show resilience to the crisis shows the resilience of the cooperatives and participative enterprises in industry and services to the crisis. The film bring forward emblematic examples of restructuring measures by cooperatives in four European countries: the Foundry de l’Aisne, an enterprise in crisis transformed into a cooperative in France, the MONDRAGON Corporation, the 7th largest industrial group in Spain, Muszynianka, a producer of mineral water in Poland and Consorzio SIS, a social cooperative consortium in Italy.

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